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Chai tea latte


The days are getting shorter and darker. Not really shorter but that’s how everybody is describing autumn. Anyway you be wanting to stay inside and make yourself a hot drink. Today I tried to make a Chai tea latte. It was not really perfect but I made black tea and added cardamom and cloves. I had only cardamom pulver. Probably pods would be better. You can sweeten your tea with honey and then add milk and heat all together for a few minutes.


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We collected a dinner in the forest today.



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Recipe for 6 persons:

1 l rømme (Sour cream or something similar. Must have about 35% fat. The sour cream you can buy in the shops is not ok. Maybe you can get it in a dairy or on a farm)
6 dl flour
1 l milk
2 tablespoon sugar
1.5 tea spoon salt

Kok the sour cream 15 min or until you can see small drops of fat. Remove the pan from the fire. Spread the flour (2 dl) on top and kok it again. Now the fat from the rømme should come out. Remove the fat and put it in a little pan. Put on the rest of the flour, 4 dl. Warm the milk. Dilute the sour cream with milk and keep stirring. Add sugar, salt and the fat.

Serve the dish with sugar and cinnamon.


Source: Ellbjørg Reiten, Halsa bygdekvinnelag. Den gode smaken. Om bygdekvinner, mat og matkultur frå Møre og Romsdal. Møre og Romsdal bygdekvinnelag.


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Kings kake

Now that I think about it: why does Switzerland „celecbrate“ Three Kings Day? We don’t have a king and by no means three! Must be all about the kings kake then. It’s the best part anyway. Here is this years kings kake.



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Ovo Chocolate

Ovo Chocolate 200g.



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Brunch is a meal that you eat in the late morning as a combination of breakfast and lunch (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary). My favourite meal is a late breakfast. There are probably many good places to have a brunch. But here are some I have found:

– Hotel Restaurant Baseltor in Solothurn. Here you get a traditional Swiss brunch in the nice hotel in the old town of Solothurn.

Glenwood Restaurant Campus in Eugene (OR). If you ever go to Eugene in the United States this is the place for a real American brunch. Reservation at the weekends recomended.

Gudvangen Fjordtell. In this remote but beautiful place we had brunch after camping. The place is a wooden house with a lot of glas and you get a good view of the fjord. Very traditional Norwegian brunch.

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Favourite tea

I recently wrote about a tea seminar I’ve made. I bought a black tea and it’s my favourite tea now. It’s from the tea garden Idulgashinna in Ceylon. This tea garden has a project for sustainability in the tea production. You can buy the tea here: l’art du thé.

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I also love Ovomaltine and couldn’t walk away from this 2kg box without buying it.

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Something I learnt this summer:

You can eat avocados with a spoon and it’s very good. Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit then fill the hole that is left from the pit with balsamic vinegar, flavor with salt and pepper. And enjoy!

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Today I had lunch at Palmhof in Zürich. This is a simple but very cute restaurant close to ETH. You would probably never enter the building. But it’s worth it! One nice gesture is that you get a bottle of tap for free. So everybody is drinking water :-)

Pic are from the homepage.