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Norge vs. Schwiiz – Pepperkakehus

Pepperkakehus is a Norwegian tradition unknown in Switzerland. In the advent time, Norwegians creat their „pepperkakehuset“ – the gingerbread house. The house is carefully designed on paper before it’s transferd to the dough. The different pieces of the house are then baked and glued together with caramel. Finally, the house is decorated with a white mass consisting of pouder sugar, lemon juice and egg white and usually „Non-stop“ as tiles on the roof.

If you are ambigous, you also make a sledge with reindeer, fir trees, stars and hearts. We felt extremely creative last night and went one step further. Because we are biologists and wanted to set an example for ongoing climate change we added a palm tree, a polar bear, a polar fox, a whale and pinguin.


Foto 06.12.15, 10 34 08 Foto 06.12.15, 10 33 58 Foto 05.12.15, 21 10 56

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Guinea Fowl

I saw my first Guinea Fowl when I was in Zambia, visiting a friend, who did her PhD in the Kafue Flats. I fell immediately in love with them. At the radio station every person had to pick an animal as radio call name (lion to sparrow…). I picked the guinea fowls, but nobody understood…

Another story I learnt about the them is that many people steal guinea fall eggs and put it together with their own chicken. And then the guineas live happily ever after with the chicken, believing they were chicks :-)

Finally, after carving lots of stamps this weekend, the guinea fowl is in the shop.

DSC_0268 DSC_0270

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Knitting season

The knitting season has started, actually it did some time ago. It’s this magic thing that happens to a proportion of the human population as soon as the days start to get shorter, the winds blow stronger, the leaves turn yellow and the rain sets in (at least in some places, for example Ber(e)gen). The ideas of what should be knitted just flows over me like a wave and the projects pile up. Usually, I knit several things at the same time, because I think I’m a multitasking person, which I am definitely not! I always knit a pair of socks (for the husb) and I finished a sheep, and am now knitting something long, dangerous and blue, which should be green, but I like to make some adjustments to the knitting patterns. I can’t tell what it is, because it’s going to be a X-mas gift for my unborn nephew/niece.

The animal knitting patterns are by Amanda Berry.


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How to make a whale stamp

I have one good and one very bad excuse for why I haven’t been writing in a while. And I’ll give you both: First, I have been working a lot on a paper, which is still not finished (that’s the bad excuse). And Mr. K has been visiting this week, which distracted me from doing anything else then spending time with him (that’s the good excuse, in my opinion).

But I have a goody for you! Mr. K was so kind to make this lovely video, how I make a whale stamp (Thank you love). It has much improved from the last one, and it has cool music. So turn on the volume and enjoy!

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More Birds

I made a new acquaintance (I love this word) when I was in Paris a few weeks ago, which resulted in carving stamps for the last few days. The bird family has grown and I have a little collection of singing birds, water birds and forest birds.

