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Living in my sleeping bag

It’s peak summer season and then again it’s not. For weeks it has been cold and rainy and not much of a summer up here in the North. But enough of that!
I spend 3-4 days in the field at the moment and it feels like I am living in my sleeping bag. Last week a lovely person from Switzerland visited me and I dragged her to the field. This was of course the deal all along and she enjoyed it half way I think. On the weekend we went to a festival in the mountains (vinjerock) which was spectacular. Spectacularly cold and wet, but also very much fun listening to Norwegian bands. I think we were the only non and half Norwegians at the festival and for a good reason. It’s a Norwegian thing, but we had fun.
A lot has happened but the days also repeat itself so here a few impressions from one rainy day at Gudmedalen!

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