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Hot Chocolate

What a day! It’s cold, rainy and no snow around to make it cosy. I have a cold and Mr. K is sick  in bed. It’s chilly in our flat and I am sitting wrapped in a blanket, drinking tea and trying to write an introduction to a paper on local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity in central and edge populations of ruderal plant species along elevational and latitudinal gradients. (What?). I know.

All that can help here is a steaming hot chocolate with cream! It’s the easiest thing to do really. Put some milk in a pan. Add your favorite dark Chocolate. I like the Chocolate, which is not sweet at all. Warm and steer it until all Chocolate is melted. In the meantime whip some cream. Pure the hot Chocolate in a mug and add the cream. Enjoy! But careful, the milk is hot. I always burn my tongue on the first sip because I can’t wait:-(



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