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Knitting season

The knitting season has started, actually it did some time ago. It’s this magic thing that happens to a proportion of the human population as soon as the days start to get shorter, the winds blow stronger, the leaves turn yellow and the rain sets in (at least in some places, for example Ber(e)gen). The ideas of what should be knitted just flows over me like a wave and the projects pile up. Usually, I knit several things at the same time, because I think I’m a multitasking person, which I am definitely not! I always knit a pair of socks (for the husb) and I finished a sheep, and am now knitting something long, dangerous and blue, which should be green, but I like to make some adjustments to the knitting patterns. I can’t tell what it is, because it’s going to be a X-mas gift for my unborn nephew/niece.

The animal knitting patterns are by Amanda Berry.
