The weather in southern Norway has been great lately, a never ending summer it seems. So, I decided to visit Trolltunga last Friday. I took my tent, some food and started to walk… with a million other people. It’s a long, but very nice walk if you do not want to be alone in the mountains.
Sunny ski weekend
On Saturday, I went on a ski tour in Bergsdalen to Hamlagrøhornet. To start with it was -12°C and I almost froze, before we got going. But as soon as we reached the sun, things were fine again. The snow was unfortunately not very good for skiing and only at the bottom there was some powder.
And today, I skied Vidden, something I have wanted to do for a long time. There were so many people on foot and skis enjoying the sun!
Skitouring at Oppheimsvatnet
Bergen weather
Some days in heaven
I have been travelling a lot (too much) in the last couple of month. And all I wanted was to stay at home for some time. So, when I packed my bags to go to Håvoll (6 hour drive north of Bergen) for a couple of days, I did not feel thrilled. But then, Håvoll is my second home, it’s a place to relax, to enjoy, to do nothing and everything, to think, eat and drink. It’s my favorite place in the world.
But then it was good to get away. Enjoying the colourful autumn, making a fire at the beach, fishing, watching the sun set, taking pictures, drinking coffee, being with loved once. And I caught the largest fish in my life!
When cold
It’s summer and we are back in the mountains doing field work. The weather is not always nice and it can be cold, wet and grim in the mountains. How do you survive a rainy day in the mountains?