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Mushrooms and flowers

I have made these stamps a while ago, but I had a problem with the glue. The glue I used before, never worked well. After using the stamps for a while, the glue did not hold any longer. I bought a new glue the other day and this one is really sticky. Perfect for my stamps. So here are the new products, three mushrooms and three flowers, including one of my favorites Linnea borealis, a violet and a snowdrop.


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Make your own Chocolate bar

Have you ever wanted to make your own Chocolate bar? It’s very easy. You need dark chocolate, butter or coconut oil and whatever you want to have in the chocolate. I used almonds, cranberries and apricots.

Melt the chocolate, add the oil or butter and maybe some cream. Cut the nuts and berries and fruits. Pour the melted chocolate into a flat form and put the nuts, berries and fruits on top of the chocolate. Finished.

The idea from the serendipity blog. There is also a nice way how to wrap the chocolate for a gift.


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Supercraft Kit #9

I always intended to tell you more about the supercraft kits. I think I did it once but then never mentioned what I had done with it or what was in it…

Well here is what I found in the winter kit #9:

It was all about making and wrapping gifts; gift wrap paper, stamps to stamp blank gift wrap paper, a blank ribbon to stamp, a calendar with space to create a personal calendar, a cookie recipe, lot’s of ideas how to decorate a gift, instruction how to make a potato stamp, paint and an ink pad for all the stamps.

There is always a small booklet with a few ideas what you can do, but actually everything is allowed. The good thing about getting several of these kits it that your DIY supplies are getting larger and you can combine materials from different kits!

You can get new year kit #10 here.




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Worldmap stamp

I don’t like Christmas in November. No, it should not start before December! But when you own a shop, then you have to think about Christmas before December, or you’ll be to late to sell your stuff.

This year I have done that and here is the Worldmap stamp. You can make your personal cards from everywhere in the world. They don’t have to be for Christmas. You can also take the stamp with you when you go on holiday in case you don’t like these cheesy postcards they sell everywhere.

Stamp, and your DIY card is finished.


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Drawing trees

When we were in Seattle, living on the boat for a few days, I got this very creative phase. I don’t know if it was because the boat was gently rocking us into sleep or because we had a table to write, paint and draw. But I was suddenly into drawing trees.

PS: the wisdom is not from me, but copied from somebody else in the world wide web!



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Apple sauce

The other day I went to the shop and wanted to by apple sauce. But all they had was weight watcher apple sauce. No, I wanted the real stuff. So I decided to buy apples and make it myself. Can’t be that hard. And actually it is very easy. It took me 30min.

Then I got enthusiastic about it and carved a stamp, cut out a piece of fabric for the lid and made the label. Cute, I look forward to the next meal where I can use apple sauce. By the way, I don’t like the english work for apple sauce, so I used the german word for the stamp!



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