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My new home

This – an old circus carage – will be my new home in Switzerland! A tiny house is Mr. K.’s new project and he is moving out of our loft in a couple of weeks. Besides building a house (even if it is a tiny one) on his own, the idea is to experiance how much do we need? How many things do we own and never use? How much space do we really need? And does a simple life work for me?

The space is limited and we are reducing our belongings. And this is fun and a relief! I have so many things I never use and don’t really want to have and it is a good feeling to give them away. We are not throwing away everything, but trying to give them to people who like them or need them.

All of this is a bit scary but also fun and I am excited how it will turn out. You can follow the project here (only in German).

Foto 30.12.15, 16 02 04

1 Kommentar

  1. It looks like you will have a similar area to that in a narrow (canal) boat – They are 6 feet (~2m) wide and range from 12 to 23 metres long, including the bows and stern. They are just about tall enough to stand up in… Several of my friends live in these, reasonably easily. One had the top-tip of storing all of her clothes in compression bags/dribags. I will see whether I remember more… Good luck!

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